Membership is for a calendar year beginning on January 1.
Membership dues may be paid by clicking one of the payment links above. Your payment information is secure and not retained.
For those that prefer to mail a check, please make checks payable to:
Penobsccot Valley Kennel Club and mail to:
Denise Hue
Treasurer, PVKC
6 Falls Court
Ellsworth, ME 04605
If you are a new member, please complete and submit the PVKC Member Information Form below and hit "submit". It's as easy as that!
Existing members may complete and submit the form below if your information needs to be updated.
Existing members may also email changes to the Treasurer or Secretary.
Add the country code +1 to the phone number(s) if the form does not submit. You will receive a thank you message if the form is submitted successfully.
Submitting the online form is preferred but if it isn't working for you, you can complete the pdf membership form, print and mail it to the Treasurer. You may also email the information to the Treasurer.